Find All Elections Info Here.

All Things Members:

  • All members will need to complete and updated registration form and pay dues in order to vote on election day.

    • Form and link to pay dues here.

  • All members will be able to vote for each board position and approval or denial of proposed Bylaw amendments.

    • See “All Things Bylaws” section for more.


Major Changes:

- Recasts several of the duties for Officers of the Board and makes them the

responsibility of specified committees. Adds and clarifies duties related to

Officers of the Board.

- Rearranges signature program duties for the following positions:

- Removes the Youth Development Program duties from the Secretary

and moves them to the Membership Director

- Removes the Annual Internship duties from the Fellows & Intern Rep

and moves them to the Co-Chairs

- Removes the Resume Book upkeep duties from the Policy Director and

moves them to the Membership Director

- Rearranges Committee Chairs for the following Committees:

- Appoints Lobbyist Liaison to be the Fundraising Chair, previously held

by one of the Co-Chairs.

- Appoints Secretary to be the By-Laws Chair, previously held by one of

the Co-Chairs.

- Appoints Membership Director to be the Youth Development

Committee, previously held by the Secretary

- Appoints one of the Co-Chairs as Chair of the Internship Committee,

previously held by the Fellows & Intern Representative

- Appoints one of the Co-Chairs as Chair of the Budget Committee,

previously held by the Treasurer

- Establishes a new standing committee (Operations Committee) and has the

Treasurer chair that committee.

- Tasks the Operations Committee with being responsible for the administrative

upkeep of the organization. Examples include but are not limited to:

- Maintaining the drive and backfiles of the organization

- Upkeep on accounts and passwords

- Looking into options for a new bank and exploring credit card options

- IT and website maintenance

- Drafting proposals for insurance options

- Maintaining PO Box and storage unit

- Requires the By-Laws Committee to detail a report to the Executive Board

regarding larger reforms to consider.

- Authorizes the Board to establish policies to help guide Board activities.

- Reforms the Zero-Tolerance Policy to be aligned with the Code of Conduct

- Adds an appeal process if an individual disagrees with an action taken by the

Executive Board regarding their violation of the Code of Conduct.

- Requires election procedures to be transmitted to the membership 21 days

before the election day.

- Gives the Executive Board final say over an appeal that is filed under article


All Things Candidates:

  • Submit Intent to Run by Friday, Jan. 24, 5pm to

    • include full name, headshot, and position you intend to run for in a short sentence or paragraph.

  • All positions are guided by the CLCAF Bylaws. Please review the existing Bylaws and Proposed Bylaw Changes for roles and responsibilities located in the “All Things Bylaws” section.

  • Criteria to Run:

    • Complete updated registration form.

    • Paid dues by Jan 24 of 2025.

    • Form and link to pay dues here.

  • Candidates Mixer - Monday, January 27th at ThirtyFour Mexican Cantina @6pm

  • Election Day - Fri., Jan 31

    • Candidate Speeches 12-1pm

    • Online voting 1-3pm

    • More details to come.